A friend with experience caring for autistic kids told me recently that they seem to have an animal perceptive capacity, like a dog or a cat who can discern who is friend or foe. This moved me as I have been pondering how we must process the covid era. It seems that people are waking up from the control systems that have been designed wittingly or unwittingly to divide us. I think there is a lot of relief in this new era and the task is to remember the importance of having trust in other people. This is doubly challenging because just about every institution has failed us in the last years, including the media, of course. In his Joe Rogan interview today Mike Benz was talking about a 50 year process of unraveling the corruption of the Deep State. I think we must come together at the community and local level for truth telling and mutual deprogramming. This process of truth telling must be spontaneous rather than managed. The last thing we need is a Soros sponsored Citizen Assembly that God forbid could be conducted over a zoom meeting. I think we must be on guard against all emergency declarations that would serve as an excuse to remove our rights. I say we need more democracy, not less, more face to face local meetings.
This may be the truest thing I’ve ever read. After my parents’ deaths they showed up in all the shining versions of themselves, somehow also as the manifestation of eternal love, transformed and purified. Seeing them in that form changed my perception of life and death. What you saw, what I saw, is reality
Yes. There are folks who can do that, and ones like you who can receive. You need to see a documentary: https://www.jodorowskysdune.com/
My friend once told me a story about how her grandfather told her a story and "flashed" her right into it: she became there at the carnival he was describing. For some reason, being blue-eyed Irish is part of the equation.
My mother's huge shanty clan has a few of these magical yarn weavers.. made my grandfather's wake one of the most wonderful, magical experiences of my life! <3
You (or some part of you) is bringing you some tale-worthy experiences in this life. The mystical, spiritual, otherworldly ways you met your wife, the reincarnation of father into bear, Mark’s transfiguration. Thank you for sharing your stories and your otherworldly talent with words.
This reminds me – I'm trying to remember a lecture by my Ancient Philosophy professor about how the Greeks distinguished between one's _topos_ and one's _kora_ (I might have those words wrong). But the _kora_ or "koric dimension" is as you describe – diachronic in a sense – elapsed and overlaid; relational through and through. Whereas one's "topic self" was thought of by Ancient Greeks as the veil of your life, that conceals (but also projects, like a "prosopon" theater mask) one's soul in any given moment (i.e. "synchronic" as we perceive our ordinary everyday experiences) but nonetheless superficial, however necessary not sufficient to reveal one's soul to the world. Until of course, one dies (as Socrates cautions the nihilistic sophist Callicles, when the masks fall) or has an ecstatic storytelling moment like this story of yours!
I still think about these concepts – those ancients (and Early Christians) knew what was up!
I just read this, and Amanda’s, a few hours ago in Tao Lin’s piece. I have a dear friend who saw a spirit/soul, and she described a kind of magnetic pull in her chest when she made eye contact. Sort of frightening for her. Thank you both for sharing these experiences with all of us. Mark looks like a beautiful human, even if we can only see his snapshot.
I suspect the the parts of us that matter, our real selves, are omnipresent and only recognizable for most of us as a function of major life events, like the death of a close loved one or at the immediate quite time parents spend with their newborns. I can offer no proof except that this has been my experience. I find that now that I'm in my early 60's this form of consciousness is more frequent, freestanding, and a source of inner peace.
A friend with experience caring for autistic kids told me recently that they seem to have an animal perceptive capacity, like a dog or a cat who can discern who is friend or foe. This moved me as I have been pondering how we must process the covid era. It seems that people are waking up from the control systems that have been designed wittingly or unwittingly to divide us. I think there is a lot of relief in this new era and the task is to remember the importance of having trust in other people. This is doubly challenging because just about every institution has failed us in the last years, including the media, of course. In his Joe Rogan interview today Mike Benz was talking about a 50 year process of unraveling the corruption of the Deep State. I think we must come together at the community and local level for truth telling and mutual deprogramming. This process of truth telling must be spontaneous rather than managed. The last thing we need is a Soros sponsored Citizen Assembly that God forbid could be conducted over a zoom meeting. I think we must be on guard against all emergency declarations that would serve as an excuse to remove our rights. I say we need more democracy, not less, more face to face local meetings.
This may be the truest thing I’ve ever read. After my parents’ deaths they showed up in all the shining versions of themselves, somehow also as the manifestation of eternal love, transformed and purified. Seeing them in that form changed my perception of life and death. What you saw, what I saw, is reality
Beautiful writing. Loved it.
Lovely writing. I'm just a bit older than you. You are going to adore your 60s. Welcome.
Yes. There are folks who can do that, and ones like you who can receive. You need to see a documentary: https://www.jodorowskysdune.com/
My friend once told me a story about how her grandfather told her a story and "flashed" her right into it: she became there at the carnival he was describing. For some reason, being blue-eyed Irish is part of the equation.
My mother's huge shanty clan has a few of these magical yarn weavers.. made my grandfather's wake one of the most wonderful, magical experiences of my life! <3
How beautiful.
You (or some part of you) is bringing you some tale-worthy experiences in this life. The mystical, spiritual, otherworldly ways you met your wife, the reincarnation of father into bear, Mark’s transfiguration. Thank you for sharing your stories and your otherworldly talent with words.
a lucent soul and a willing know. thanks for spelling it in a way that makes sense. still trying to remove the blinders but this helps
This reminds me – I'm trying to remember a lecture by my Ancient Philosophy professor about how the Greeks distinguished between one's _topos_ and one's _kora_ (I might have those words wrong). But the _kora_ or "koric dimension" is as you describe – diachronic in a sense – elapsed and overlaid; relational through and through. Whereas one's "topic self" was thought of by Ancient Greeks as the veil of your life, that conceals (but also projects, like a "prosopon" theater mask) one's soul in any given moment (i.e. "synchronic" as we perceive our ordinary everyday experiences) but nonetheless superficial, however necessary not sufficient to reveal one's soul to the world. Until of course, one dies (as Socrates cautions the nihilistic sophist Callicles, when the masks fall) or has an ecstatic storytelling moment like this story of yours!
I still think about these concepts – those ancients (and Early Christians) knew what was up!
Ah yes, I think this article on Khôra (χώρα) touches on what I'm trying to recall: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kh%C3%B4ra
Reading this fed my soul on this cold day in Kansas!
I just read this, and Amanda’s, a few hours ago in Tao Lin’s piece. I have a dear friend who saw a spirit/soul, and she described a kind of magnetic pull in her chest when she made eye contact. Sort of frightening for her. Thank you both for sharing these experiences with all of us. Mark looks like a beautiful human, even if we can only see his snapshot.
Was Mojo there? Or am I thinking about the wrong guy with a shamrock on his van?
I LOVE your vision of what-version-goes-to-Heaven. Bazinga!
The Walter of transcendiary prose--made my day! And then some
I suspect the the parts of us that matter, our real selves, are omnipresent and only recognizable for most of us as a function of major life events, like the death of a close loved one or at the immediate quite time parents spend with their newborns. I can offer no proof except that this has been my experience. I find that now that I'm in my early 60's this form of consciousness is more frequent, freestanding, and a source of inner peace.
Sure someone didn't slip you a micro dose Walter? Very enjoyable. I envy your experience.
Man, I loved this. Sounds like the experiences Emerson and Whitman had.